
Photo options for my main music magazine

These are some of the photos that I have the option of using for my main task. I found it quite difficult to the timing of the image capture and the lighting as I had no control over how they lit the stage. However I found that it worked quite well sometimes especially as the stage lighting changed colours which lit the band members in lots of different colour lights.
I won't be able to use all these photos as I don't want my magazine to be overloaded with images and not enough room for the text.


Preliminary Task

This is the front cover for my preliminary magazine. It is a college magazine aimed at 6th Form age students who are thinking about going on to further education. The magazine helps them with their studies as well as including fun things. I used photoshop to manipulate the images; which I think will be useful for my main task as it took me quite a long time to learn how to use photoshop and trial and error helped me learn how to make the images look better. For example I wanted to have the girls head infront of the cover line but the background behind it which meant I had to edit the photo into two different layers and when I inserted it into the indesign I had to line both the images up so that there were no gaps; which I found difficult especially as when I made the cover larger it had a faint outline where the images met.
This is my preliminary school magazine contents page. I think it fits in with the normal conventions of a magazine contents page; it has he separated categories for ease of finding the type of thing you are looking for.


Photos for main task

For my main task; I had asked a band I have connections with if I could take photos of them to use for my double page spread and maybe the rest of the magazine as they were performing in Norwich on the 27th January. They agreed and said they would get there before so that I could meet with them and set up a small photoshoot. However on the day they got lost on their way to Norwich which meant that they didn't arrive until just before the gig. I was able to talk to them afterwards and take a few photos then, but as they had been performing on a hot stage they were not looking their best. But I was able to use that to my advantage as it showed how they lived and didn't always look perfect.


Preliminary Front Cover Photo Options

I took some photos to use for my preliminary task. I decided to take some outside as the sun was out so I could use the natural light. I chose to have a girl sitting holding her folder to make a traditional look that you associate with students at a sixth form.

I chose not to use this photo as it was quite dark so the light wasn't too good. The shadow was also quite obstructing.

The lighting in this photo is a lot better; however you still have the shadow of a pillar which I feel doesn't fit.
This photo is slightly closer which I prefer as you can see her face more but her head is slightly tilted down which gives the impression that she as purposely looking away from the camera rather than just momentarily glancing away.

I choose to use this photo as it is a good close up and the light is good with not too much shadow. There is no obstructing background objects which makes the photo more professional. It also is not perfect like a studio photo as some of her hair is slightly out of place and paper spilling out of the folder; I think this looks good as it shows how the photo is just of a regular person rather than airbrushed to look absolutely perfect.


Main Task Magazine Moodboard

This moodboard looks specifically at magazine styles such as the style of text and photos from both the cover and the inside. I looked through both Kerrang and NME mainly as those are the magazines aimed at a similar target audience to mine and so have the most relevance to mine specifically.


Main Task Moodboard

This moard board is based generally on music; I want my magazine to be for people who are deeply involved in and love music, the images signify how people love everything about music, they know the old records as well as the new and want to remember everything about the gigs they attend to see their favourite bands perform.