
Preliminary Task

This is the front cover for my preliminary magazine. It is a college magazine aimed at 6th Form age students who are thinking about going on to further education. The magazine helps them with their studies as well as including fun things. I used photoshop to manipulate the images; which I think will be useful for my main task as it took me quite a long time to learn how to use photoshop and trial and error helped me learn how to make the images look better. For example I wanted to have the girls head infront of the cover line but the background behind it which meant I had to edit the photo into two different layers and when I inserted it into the indesign I had to line both the images up so that there were no gaps; which I found difficult especially as when I made the cover larger it had a faint outline where the images met.
This is my preliminary school magazine contents page. I think it fits in with the normal conventions of a magazine contents page; it has he separated categories for ease of finding the type of thing you are looking for.

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