
Fonts for

These are some of the fonts I am thinking about using for my main task. I have chosen these are they look slightly rough and rocky which is the style I am going for with my magazine. Some of them have the cracked look that the Kerrang masthead has which is also what I am looking for my magazine to be in the style of. I need to use different styles of text for different parts of my magazine as otherwise it would look a bit samey and boring so I will need to use a few of these.


Music Magazine Front Covers

It is a normal convention of magazines that the main image on the front cover is that of a person or group of people looking directly at the camera. This is seen in the front covers below where the cover stars are staring directly at the camera and the shot is a close up.
However for my magazine front cover I have decided to go away from the traditional forms and conventions by using a stage shot which was one of the ones I have from when I took photos for my double page spread. I think this is a good idea as it would stand out from the other magazines on offer as it is different from what people normally see. I will not go completly away from the normal conventions as I am choosing an image that is close up so that you can still see the person in the photo. I have found some issues of Kerrang and NME where they have done the same but have still managed to catch the readers attention.
These front covers still have a good effect and even though they are not looking at the camera you can still see who they are. In my opinion they make the reader want to read the magazine more as they are different from other magazines on offer as the connotation of the image is that inside the magazine there is more than just your standard question answer interview, it is more in depth as it is obviously the shots have been taken while the band was on stage therefore showing that it is more a real impression of them rather than a studio photoshoot where the photos are airbrushed later to make them look absolutely perfect.


Magazine Logos

Looking at other magazine logos, both music and fashion, I see that it does not have to be really bright to catch the audiences attention. Vogue is probably one of the biggest magazines on the market however its Masthead is just written in black and quite simple text. However some of them such as NME and Q show that red is also a regular colour for them, I can see why this is the case as it is a bright colour that catchs the readers eye but isn't gender specific so it appeals to both sexes unlike the Glamour logo which is obviously aimed at women.

I think that for my magazine it would be a good idea to go with the a style resembling Kerrang or Rolling Stone as they both have a slight edge which is what I am aiming to achieve with my magazine. They also both have similar styles and target audiences to I what my magazine to have.

Article for Music Magazine

This is my article I have written for my main task. I chose to do a review as quite a few people in my audience research said that it was the type of article they liked to read most in magazines. Also as I used the band My Passion for my photos it was easy to review they gig they played where I took my photos.

My Passion formed in Hertfordshire in 2005, adding to the list of the new pop punk bands. since then they have been going from strength to strength supporting Jeffreee Star, The Blackout and performing at ths years Underage Festival. Their debut album, Corporate Flesh Party was released in May 2009 and they have since started to record a second one which is due to drop later this year. The atmosphere was amazing as the crowd sung along to Livin on A Prayer while all were waiting for who they were really there to see My Passion. The other supports had been a build up to the main event. As soon as they came on stage you could see why. They started out with a classic 'Play Dirty' the crowd went crazy and so did the band, Lawrence Rene the lead singier lent his mike over the edge of the stage until he was only metres from the crowd. The electro beats filled the room. Everyone knew that this band was going to be big. Lawrence and John added more energy to the room jumping around the stage like ants on acid. As they played songs from the rest of the album they never missed a beat. they kept the energy at same pace throughtout and the crowd was going cazy for them. As they play their last song the crowd the circle pit is still going. If this is how every one of My Passions gigs go then soon everyone is going to know their name.