
Main Task Magazine

Bass Magazine


  1. I think your magazine has the typical look of a grime/punk magazine. The bright colours against the traditional black and white really make the pictures stand out. The text and headings also follow the look which makes the magazine have a professional feel. The photographs of the band are very well captured too.

    However, on the contents page, it is hard to read where each page is as the text varies in size and overlays each other. Only criticism :) Otherwise well done!

  2. I really like the way you have layed out each page and I like the use of colours because it makes it look very indie/punk. I like the colours used on the front page, because although it is quite dark, the colours make it interesting and make it stand out to the audience. I also like the fonts used because they all match. I also like the double page spread because although it is quite busy, it fits together well.

    The only thing which I would say you could have changed, would have been the colours. The double page spread and contents page are quite dark and I think it would have been better if you used some brighter colours to make it look more eye catching. However it is really good x

  3. WOW! The colours you've used through-out are really eye catching, it shows continuity through-out and actually links the magazine up. I really love the images that you've used theyre so realistic and full of energy. I think the overall mise en scene of this magazine is very unisex and open, it's quite young looking and modern which would attract a certain market. I really love this magazine as it's so vibrant.
