
Film openings

In most film openings you see the main characters and setting for the film. It helps the audience understand the background to the characters before the main feature begins.

The Graduate - You see a man moving through an airport - maybe going home or to visit someone - he doesnt look very happy. The music used ni this clip is very powerful as it is a well known song that takes the focus of a seemingly dull scene.

Trainspotting - This film went straight into the film fast paced but at the same time introduced you to all the characters and the sort of lives they live.

The Breakfast Club - It shows the hallways of a school empty different to how they would be if the students were there. The shot then goes outside to show some students arriving to school even though it is a weekendl; they all seem to be completly different personalities. The voiceover and the song are used to help the audience understand what is happening and explain why they are at school at the weekend.

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