
Magazine Cover Analysis - Kerrang

This issue of Kerrang has the cover group all standing at different levels which adds interest to the picture as they are not just all standing straight in a line. Some of the peoples heads are also covering parts of the masthead; this shows how the band are the main selling point of the magazine not the actual name itself, however you can still tell what the word says as it is a well known brand which might not need as much publising as other brands. All of the coverlines are placed mainly around the bottom half of the magazine so as not to distract the reader from the main image, the main cover line runs across the page and features the name of the band in the main image and tells the reader about the band. The other coverlines feature different band names and some are just the names on their own, this shows what the magazine is about, its main selling point is the bands it features and that is the main content of the magazine. The coverlines tell the readers that this music magazine is mainly about well-known bands as they expect the readers to know who they are without any explanation. The cover sticks to a colour scheme of white, yellow and blue and alternates the colours around which helps to keep it simple as the text is quite writing like rather than black text. This also helps the reader understand that this magazine goes against other magazines and has its own style. In the bottom left hand corner there are some more smaller images which publicise the posters that are mentioned in one of the coverlines; this draws more attention to it, as people usually look at the images before they read text.

From this cover you can tell that the magzine is mainly aimed at young people with an interest in rock music; you can see this by the way the main band are dressed and by the names mentioned in the coverlines.

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