
Audience Research

I only used teenagers for my audience research as that is who I am aiming my magazine towards so I wanted to find out what they wanted to get from the magazine. I asked questions about their music tastes as well as towards general magazines and specifically music ones. I asked people who were generally interested in music, who were at music events, and also ones who did not have a specific interest.

From this I have discovered that most of the people I interviewed read or used to read Kerrang magazine so I will take a closer look at that to see how they attract a young audience. Many people also said they liked reading the reviews in magazines so I may do a review of a live gig as my double page feature.

The main image on the front of my magazine needs to be the most important thing on the front as all of the people I interviewed said that this is what they looked at first and what was attracted them to buy the magazine.

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